Volleyball Techniques: Float Serve Technique

Like other volleyball skills, the key to a great server properly perform repetition.

When the float service learning, you want to make sure it is easy. The longer you perform this skill, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

It is important that the arm comes straight back with the ball is tossed in front of the hitting hand.

The Toss.
The weak toss is a factor that often causes poor service

Coaching Tips for Serving.

Start the service with the players stand in a position move.

Place a marker on the floor indicate where the ball I need to land mingled. This place should be one step in front of the arm portion. Players need to practice for a while tossing the ball and let the ball drop.

The Draw
Hitting arm movement is often referred to as the draw. As a player tosses the ball, hit the retract arm with the elbow high.

The hand should be opened up as if you are high 5. The arm then came forward almost like throwing motion with the elbow leading the hand to touch the ball.

the weak toss draw a weak cause. Have a practice player with the ball throws, pulling back and then catch the ball.

Contact Point
Point of contact for volleyball tooser where middle hand must meet the middle of the ball.

It is better to have a strong open hand when contacting the ball. Wrists should not bend, it should be parallel to the arm.

Contact the ball in places other than right in the middle of the ball rotation may cause some effects that would lead not to give up the ball.

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