Volleyball Techniques:Serve technique of Underhand Serve

Underhand serve is the easiest to teach because there are so few variables. Since the service does not involve tossing it easier to learn and control.

1. If your right hand, put your left foot forward and put all your weight with your back foot. (opposite for left handers)

2. Hold the ball in your left hand in front of your body just below the waist and in front of the right hip.

3. Eyes must be focused on the ball where contact is made.

4. Swing arms back and then forward to contact the ball with the palm of the hand.

5. Weight is transferred to the front leg while contacting the ball is facing the ball will serve.

6. Left hand fall before contacting the ball.

7.After contacting, the service arm to follow through to the intended target.

Volleyball Techniques
Serve technique of Underhand Serve

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